Informational Handout for Accessory Dwelling Unit – Tiburon

The owner of a single-family dwelling or vacant legal lot located in the R-l , R-I-B, RO or RPD zone may apply for a permit to establish an Accessory Dwelling Unit on the property. The permit application shall be approved or denied by the Town of Tiburon’s Director of Community Development.

This package contains the following:

  • Quick Checklist for determining eligibility to apply
  • Submittal requirements for an application
  • Supplemental Application Form for accessory dwelling unit
  • Tiburon Municipal Code sections regulating accessory dwelling units
  • Adopted Town standards used in the review of accessory dwelling unit applications
  • Town of Tiburon Land Development Application Form

Please refer to the Quick Checklist on the following pages to determine whether you are eligible to apply.

Once an application is submitted, it will be reviewed for completeness by the Planning Division. If possible, a preliminary completeness check will be conducted at the counter to look for any obvious deficiencies in the application (no site plan, no filing fee, etc.). A more thorough review of the application will be performed in the days following submittal. If additional information is required to make the application complete, the applicant will be notified as soon as possible.

Once an application is deemed complete, courtesy notices of the application will be mailed to property owners within 100 feet of the subject property for a ten (10) day comment period. After the comment period closes, the Director may take action to approve or deny the application. A decision on the application may be appealed to the Town Council within ten (10) days.

More at:


Tiburon Building Department

ADU Code Summary