Small YardPods in San Francisco and San Anselmo
San Francisco YardPod Small YardPod in San Francisco Small YardPods in San Francisco and San Anselmo can be built up to 100 square feet in area, measured at the roof. They must also [...]
San Francisco YardPod Small YardPod in San Francisco Small YardPods in San Francisco and San Anselmo can be built up to 100 square feet in area, measured at the roof. They must also [...]
YardPod Home Office A better way to Work at Home Many of us in the Bay Area will no longer be welcome at our office or place of work when restrictions eventually lift. [...]
YardPod YardPod Inside There are many reasons to consider working from home (WFH) and with the current Coronavirus, many people have no choice. One day, soon I hope, this will all be over. [...]
Do you live in a WUI (Wildfire Urban Interface)? We have the answer - a YardPod F-R, Fire-Resistant Home Office or Shed. YardPod F-R is a line of fire-resistant YardPod Home Offices and Sheds for people living in high-risk fire [...]
Why waste time and money, commuting to work every day! Commute times add up, some people spend years of their life stuck in traffic or on public transportation. Regain that lost time with a YardPod backyard room just a few [...]
There are millions of people today who choose to work from home, and not just entrepreneurs but corporate employees as well. Work-from-home veterans will tell you that they get more things done and are less stressed when working from [...]