Scotts Valley has adopted Chapter 17.41 – Secondary Dwelling Units and Guesthouses in its Municipal Code


The plans for secondary dwelling units shall comply with all of the following standards before a building permit may be granted:

A. The lot upon which the secondary dwelling unit will be created shall be located in a residential zoning district (R) and must be a minimum of ten thousand square feet in size, excluding all rights-of-way;

B. The building site upon which the secondary dwelling unit will be constructed shall not have an average slope in excess of twenty percent;

C. The size of the secondary dwelling unit shall be no larger than eight hundred square feet of habitable living space (excluding garages, decks and porches);

D. Secondary dwelling units shall comply with applicable building, health and fire codes;

E. Secondary dwelling units shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations (including, but not limited to required setbacks and height limits);

F. A minimum of one off-street parking space shall be provided for each bedroom shown on the plans for the secondary dwelling unit in addition to the off-street parking spaces required for the main dwelling. Such parking space(s) shall be located in close proximity to the secondary dwelling unit so as to provide convenient access for the tenant;

G. Secondary dwelling units shall conform to all requirements of the Uniform Building Code, Fire District Codes, and Santa Cruz County Environmental Health Services Department. Secondary dwelling units may be served by an existing or new septic system when the subject property is located more than 200 feet from an existing sewer main; all other secondary dwelling units shall be served by sanitary sewer.

H. Secondary dwelling unit shall be served by the same driveway access to the street as the existing main dwelling, to the extent practical and feasible as determined by the Community Development Director, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director.

I. Secondary dwelling units shall be attached to or detached from the main dwelling. If the secondary dwelling unit is attached to the main dwelling, each shall be served by separate outside entrances. The interior wall(s) of an attached unit which separate it from the main unit shall not be connected by a doorway or opening to the main dwelling;

J. Secondary dwelling units shall be located to the side or at the rear of the main dwelling, if possible, and must be clearly secondary and incidental to the main dwelling, to the extent practical and feasible as determined by the Community Development Director, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director.

K. No more than one secondary dwelling unit or guesthouse shall be allowed on any lot located in a R-1 Single-family Residential Zoning District, R-R-2.5 Residential-Rural Zoning District, and R-MT-5 Residential-Mountain Zoning District.

L. The roof forms and pitches of secondary dwelling units shall be architecturally compatible with those of the main dwelling, to the extent practical and feasible as determined by the Community Development Director, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director.

M. The exterior building materials and colors of secondary dwelling units shall be architecturally compatible those of the main dwelling, to the extent practical and feasible as determined by the Community Development Director, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director.

N. The partial or complete conversion of an existing one- or two-story detached accessory structure with existing three (3) or six (6) feet reduced yard setbacks (in conformance with Sections 17.46.070J. and 17.46.070N. of the City’s Municipal Code) into a secondary dwelling unit is prohibited. The conversion of an existing, legal, nonconforming detached accessory structure with yard setbacks greater than three (3) but less than the required yard setbacks for the main dwelling, into a secondary dwelling unit, may be allowed with Use Permit approval from the Planning Commission at a public hearing, in accordance with Section 17.50.020 of the City’s Municipal Code.

O. The maximum building height of a detached accessory structure with reduced yard setbacks (in conformance with Sections 17.46.070J. and 17.46.070N. of the City’s Municipal Code) shall be 18 feet.

P. Vehicles of any kind, with or without wheels, and trailers are prohibited as secondary dwelling units.

Q. Secondary dwelling units shall conform to all requirements of the Uniform Building Code, Fire District Codes, and Santa Cruz County Environmental Health Services Department. Secondary dwelling units may be served by an existing or new well when the subject property is located more than 200 feet from an existing water main; all other secondary dwelling units shall be served by municipal water.

more………. (see Chapter 17.41)

City of Scotts Valley

City of Scotts Valley Building Department